Delicious, easy recipes
SSG Cookbook
About the Authors
Welcome to the Southwest Solutions Group Intern cookbook project! We are a group of 18 interns who are all undergraduates at various schools across the nation. We have all come together to create a cookbook that showcases the diverse flavors and cultures of the employees here at SSG. Through working on this cookbook, the intern class has gotten even closer to each other and the rest of the company. We are thrilled to share the recipes within the cookbook and hope to bring both new and familiar flavors to our readers. We hope that each recipe brings you the joy that it brought its authors.
  • Here we have each and every interns individual photo.
    Click on their photo to view their LinkedIn!
    Recipes Preview
    All of these recipes were donated by SSG employees, friends, and family.
    Just hover over image to see what the recipe is all about! (click the image if you are are on mobile)
    Buy Now, Only $25!
    Step 1: Click the PayPal icon to the right of this text
    Step 2: Click the blue "Send" button (if the name above "@SSGCookbook" is Bethany Atencio, you are in the right place)
    Step 3: Log-in to your PayPal account (if you aren't logged in already)
    Step 4: Put $25.00 for the dollar amount
    Step 5: Under the payment, in the box that says "What's this payment for?" put "SSGCookbook (YOUR FULL NAME) (YOUR EMAIL) (SHIPPING ADDRESS) (PHYSICAL COPY or PDF)"
    Step 6: Click the "Continue" and send the payment
    Step 7: Select the "For Friends and Family" option and continue and pay
    Step 8: You won't get a confirmation email, but we will email you shortly regarding your purchase. If you opted for the PDF version, the email will contain the copy.

    Step 1: Log-in to your banking app and find the option where you can "Send/Transfer Money (through Zelle)"
    Step 2: Scan the QR Code if you can / there is an option. If the QR code doesn't work or you are on mobile, go to the next step.
    Step 3: there should be an option to send money to the number and name to the left (970-697-7192 Bethany Atencio).
    Step 4: Type in $25.00 for the amount and where it asks what this payment is for, type "SSGCookbook (YOUR NAME) (YOUR EMAIL) (SHIPPING ADDRESS) (PHYSICAL COPY or PDF)"
    Step 5: Send the payment. You won't get a confirmation email, but we will email you shortly regarding your purchase. If you opted for the PDF version, the email will contain the copy.
    You can also buy the book through the RaveMoreStore if you are an employee of SSG!

    Step 1: Click the logo on the right
    Step 2: In the filter, type "cookbook"
    Step 3: Buy accordingly, you can buy either the physical copy or a PDF

    Contact Us
    Get in touch
    If you have any questions please reach out to us through text or email on the contact details provided below. Also, you can provide your information and send us a message and we will contact you shortly. Thank you!
    2535-B TX-121 #110, Lewisville, Texas


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